• Resolved genesisalpha



    when I do a search via the central search bar on my site and click on validate, on the right-hand side I have a black block with a search box which opens a menu for searching the internet on my site. This problem appears when I have the site kit plugin active, if I deactivate the plugin it disappears, and I can’t get it removed.

    How can i delete this search bar in my website ?

    Thanks !

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support James Osborne


    Thanks for the update @genesisalpha. Based on your updates, let’s check a couple of things. To do so, please share the following:

    1. As the Search box you’re encountering may be AdSense related, can you access adsense.google.com and check if you do see any “Search engine” option available under the “Ads > By ad unit” tab? I ask as this search option isn’t available to all users. See this guide.
    2. Are you aware of any option within your theme or elsewhere that may have allowed you to add a Search Box to your site?

    Let me know if you have any questions with the above.

    Thread Starter genesisalpha


    Hello, i’ve not search motor in google adsence, just my normals ads like Skyscraper for example. For my theme, yes i have search motor but it’s just for the search bar than we see in center of my website where I enter “DEPIELO” for example.

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Thanks for the update @genesisalpha. In that case, I’ll need to check this further with the team. Would it be possible for you to share another screen recording of your experience, with your browser console tab open so I can view the markup around that search box? You’re recording therefore will need to display your full screen, and ideally from a Chrome browser incognito tab.

    Note also that from various attempts I can’t locate any such search box when visiting your site. You therefore may wish to check does the same occur while not logged into your site, meaning your experience is more in line with my own.

    Thread Starter genesisalpha


    Hello, so in private mod, on chrome or edge with the last update of Site Kit, i’ve not the search bar in private mod, but, always in normal mod. Here is the link of video in normal mod because private, the search bar is not here :


    it’s hard with One minute limit to record

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Thanks for the update, appreciate you sharing the recording. If the issue is not occurring in an incognito session or with another browser, it’s possible the cause if a multi party issue with a browser extension and some feature of your admin toolbar also contributing.

    While the issue I suspect isn’t caused specifically by Site Kit, so we can determinre more there are a couple of checks we can perform. To do so, please share the following:

    1. Does the same occur if you temporarily deactivate WP Rocket? I ask as minification or combining of JavaScript assets on the front end, with the admin toolbar, can cause unintended behavior.
    2. Does the same occur if you temporarily disable the Site Kit feature from the admin toolbar (Site Kit > Settings > Admin Settings > Display relevant page stats in the Admin bar)?

    Let me know if you have any questions with the above.

    Thread Starter genesisalpha



    1. No change when I deactivated WP Rocket, search bar is always here
    2. Same also when i uncheck, “Display relevant page stats in the Admin bar

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Thanks for checking @genesisalpha. As the same isn’t occurring from an incognito session, next we’ll check your browser extensions. Can you share a list of the extensions you have active and I can perform some checks or do some research?

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    As we didn’t receive a response I’ll mark this as resolved. Feel free to open a new support topic if you continue to encounter issues, or reopen this topic and we’d be happy to assist.

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