• Resolved srcasey


    I have Megamenu enabled for my menu bar and one of my menu items has about 30 sub-links. I need to be able to scroll all the way through all sub-links.

    I thought Megamenu would enable arrows to view all sub-links, but no arrows appear and the sub-links go only as far as the page. I do not have “Hide Arrow” checked.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author megamenu


    Hi srcasey,

    Rather than have one long list of 30 links, you can change the sub menu to a mega menu and display those items across multiple columns:


    (that makes it easier for the user to see all of the links, and will resolve the scrolling issue at the same time)


    Thread Starter srcasey


    Thank you. The sub-menu is already a Megamenu. I need the items to scroll vertically as opposed to horizontally.

    Perhaps I misunderstood your reply.

    Plugin Author megamenu


    Hi srcasey,

    The sub menu is currently set to a Flyout menu (a long vertical list of links). If you go to Appearance > Menus, hover over Genres and click the blue mega menu button. In there you can change the “Sub Menu Display Mode” to “Mega Menu – Standard/Grid Layout) and make it so your links appear in multiple columns, rather than one long list.


    Thread Starter srcasey


    Thanks Tom, but to clarify I *want* a long vertical list where an arrow appears to scroll down.

    Plugin Author megamenu


    Hi srcasey,

    Ok, the only way to do that would be to add a max height to the sub menu. To do that go to Mega Menu > Menu Themes > Custom Styling and add the following:

    @include desktop {
        ul.mega-sub-menu {
            max-height: 200px !important;
            overflow: auto !important;


    Thread Starter srcasey


    That worked!

    Thank you so much!

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