• Resolved dragonfly67


    Hi, first of all thank you very much for this great plugin. I extended it with my custom columns as described (works great).

    Can you tell me, how i would have to include the screen_options for WP_List_Table, where i can choose how many records should be showned and select/deselect columns from the Manage Licenses Screen

    Thank you very much.

    regards, dragonfly67

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by dragonfly67.
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  • Thread Starter dragonfly67


    Thank you very much for this great plugin, I love it.
    Sorry for bothering you with the above question,

    I managed to solve the problem above, by adding a filter
    and in the function addscreeencolumns($columns)
    merging columns with my array of columns.

    Now I can choose which columns I want to show/hide.

    many regards dragonfly67

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by dragonfly67.
    Plugin Support mbrsolution


    Thank you for sharing your solution. I am sure this will help others running into the same issue as yourself.

    Enjoy the plugin.

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