• Resolved robineero


    Changing dates in schedule your advert section is not functional at the moment. Updating other fields seems to work but it is not possible to change dates to make ads active. All my ads at the moment are inactive.

    Changing the dates is working well for new ads.


    Currently there is only one row in wp_adrotate_schedule table (the new ad I made for testing). Probably changing the dates trying only to UPDATE a row but not to CREATE if there is no row.

    In wp_adrotate_linkmeta table I see that all my ads use the same scedule id which is not present in wp_adrotate_schedule table. I fixed it at the moment by creating new row to wp_adrotate_linkmeta with the id that I needed. Though it is fragile hack 🙂 If I delete any of the ads then it will break it again.

    I am using:

    Wordpress 6.0
    AdRotate 5.8.25

    I made illustrative video of the issue here.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by robineero.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by robineero.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Plugin Author Arnan de Gans


    Does it work for newly created adverts?
    Can you edit the dates for those?

    Do you see any errors in your error_log file mentioning AdRotate and/or schedules?

    Thread Starter robineero


    Does it work for newly created adverts?
    Can you edit the dates for those?

    Yes, I wrote that changing the dates is working well for new ads. New ad comes with its row in wp_adrotate_schedule table. Therefore dates for it can be changed. Rest of the ads in my case for some reason do not have their rows in this table. Possible that something broke when I removed ads from groups and deleted the groups. Not sure.

    There are no errors in error_log file.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by robineero.
    Plugin Author Arnan de Gans


    Hi SOrry for the late reply.

    Uhm, yea I supposed that could be possible. But AdRotate only deletes schedules when the advert is deleted.
    If that works fine for new adverts I have reason to think that that behavior would be different for older adverts.

    Logically the database got altered in a different way, someone deleting stuff via PHPMyAdmin for example. Perhaps some data corruption – But logically you should see more persistent issues then. Unless someone quietly fixed the database and left you with the mess.

    It’s hard to say.

    Thread Starter robineero


    I have had this plugin for long time. I also used Pro version for some time. Probably somehow when removing ads from group and then deleting the group I managed to get rid of the rows in wp_adrotate_schedule table.

    I see very simple fix for this. If the schedule for an ad is updated then first you check if row in wp_adrotate_schedule table exists. If the row exists – update. If there is no row then please create the row. I understand that the row should be there but at the moment it was not there.

    And at the moment I see from admin that I have schedule with 27 ads in it (see image). If one of the ads is deleted it will also delete the schedule (which is the one row in wp_adrotate_schedule table) and I am back in the beginning 🙂

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by James Huff.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by robineero.
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