• Resolved jlschafer18


    I’m changing my existing website from html base to WP Evolve theme style. While updating and developing my updated website, I’m having issuing with making changes. When I make changes to the header page (i.e. color, adding a logo, etc.) I do not have an option to save and when I close the section, it states I’ll loose my changes when I navigate away from this page. We have been able to make changes (i.e. adding pages, tabs, etc)…

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  • Thread Starter jlschafer18


    My website hosting service is running 5.6.40 PHP.

    Theme Author Evgeny Viner


    Hi. Is it only when you are working with the Customizer in general? Or specifically the header and/or Logo-Title-Tagline section? Can you please share a screenshot? Thanks.

    Theme Author Evgeny Viner


    Hi. There seems to be some mix-up with the numbers. The latest version of our theme is 4.3.6, and WordPress is 6.1.1. If your numbers are correct, then the first thing you should do is an update. The sooner, the better.

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