• Resolved ramnathk


    Hi there, I’m not sure if I am doing something wrong with this plugin. But the ‘save’ button seems to be pointing to a blog link and thus does not let me save even simple header config. Am I missing something?

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  • Plugin Author SimonRWaters


    Embarrassingly no, looks like it broke in a recent update to WordPress, as my blog is broken too.

    On it, thanks for the report.

    Plugin Author SimonRWaters


    Okay I’ve pushed 1.1 which fixes the missing close anchor tag which is the cause of this. Please update as soon as it is available (literally added “[/a]” after the link to Scott’s website in the code).

    There is some outstanding maintenance to bring other aspects up to current WordPress expectations, so I had planned on a new release this week, so they’ll be another release shortly.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by SimonRWaters.
    Thread Starter ramnathk


    awesome thanks.

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