• Installed the plugin and received an error message. Enabled the debug option and tried again. Sadly, I received the error message again. I don’t tend to give negative reviews but this was a bit of a time-waster so thought I’d flag for future users.

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  • Plugin Author nicearma


    Hello, you have right in one thing, the debug system is hard to understand (you have the log tab with all the call and returns, so you can understand what is calling, is more for advance user)

    I recall you that WP have their own way to debug, so if you really want to debug and understand what is going on in your own WP site (the plugin work fine, but other plugin can add exceptions, and make this plugin work weird). You can see https://codex.wordpress.org/Debugging_in_WordPress.

    In the next version i will try to add other better way to debug and understand what is going on and way the plugin is failing.

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