• Reporting a bug:
    Unfortunately text-align:left is hard-coded at the text renderer of the Newsletter.
    See: mailpoet/lib/Newsletter/Renderer/Blocks/text.php at line 109;
    $style = ‘text-align: left;’ . $style;
    I’ve changed it to the following
    $style = ‘text-align: /*left*/right; direction: rtl;’ . $style;
    to fix the alignment in Hebrew and it worked but I can’t override it in child theme and so it practically useless as it would be overridden with every update.
    Hope you add a setting/variable to the settings of this block.
    Or let me know how I can override this.

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  • Thread Starter raqy


    And also it would be great if we could set the fonts, as they are also hard-coded for now.
    And as it is an email we can’t customized it with CSS.

    Plugin Support kellymetal a11n


    Hi there @raqy,

    Unfortunately text-align:left is hard-coded at the text renderer of the Newsletter.
    See: mailpoet/lib/Newsletter/Renderer/Blocks/text.php at line 109;

    It looks like that line of code is just providing a default if there isn’t any alignment styling set — if no text-alignment, then it will default to left.

    Checking in the editor, that appears to be how it’s working as well:

    align left by default
    Link to image: https://d.pr/i/s3kKJa

    If you would like it right-aligned, then for now you would need to use the button to set the alignment in the editor.

    Currently MailPoet does not officially support RTL — however there’s an open request and recent discussion on our feedback board below. It would be great if you could add your vote there to show your support for the enhancement (along with any comments):

    In the meantime, it would be necessary to either 1) manually set it to be right-aligned in the editor or 2) edit the code to change the default after each update.

    And also it would be great if we could set the fonts, as they are also hard-coded for now.

    Are you referring to the available fonts in the Styles tab of the editor?

    Link to image: https://d.pr/i/DamFHi

    There’s information about the available fonts here:

    If you wanted additional fonts added, or the addition of functionality for manually adding your own custom fonts, it would be necessary to request those via our requests board here:

    Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

    Thread Starter raqy


    Thank you for the detailed reply.
    Unlike the regular text block, there isn’t any option to align the excerpt in the recent posts block unless I change the code in the renderer. It’s strange as there are options for aligning the title and the image, but not the excerpt.
    Also, there is a direction=”rtl” problem. Sometimes the theme definition prevails and it’s ok, but sometime not.

    Also, since I wrote my note, I’ve noticed that there is a problem with the alignment of elements in more than one column. For RTL email in the block I have to reverse the alignment settings, meaning set right when I want the element to align left and vice verse. Ay there’s the rub… When trying to view the email on a browser (via the link at the head of the email), the elements appeared as set, left for left right for right, which is all wrong in that case…
    It would be nice if you also tackle this one.

    I’ll follow your instructions as for adding my vote and comments to the request of RTL support and made a request for new features.

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