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  • Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    Have you looked through this thread? I added some capability back in v0.73 to better support RTL.

    My guess is you’ll need to do some CSS work to have everything right aligned instead of left aligned. That shouldn’t be too hard.I tried playing around with the CSS “direction” property setting it to “rtl” but wasn’t able to accomplish anything.

    Not knowing any RTL languages, I am not even sure which parts of the form would or should be aligned and re-ordered.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    Looking at the HTML source of your page, there is a bunch of stuff just prior to the Google Form which I wouldn’t expect to see. How are you inserting the form into the page?

    I’ve never seen this before:

    <div itemtype="" itemscope=""><meta content="טופס מיון משקיעים" itemprop="name">

    There is a bunch of stuff between that DIV element and the beginning of the Google Form content generated by the Google Forms plugin.

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