• I am trying to get my RSS feed to display on my home page. I have tried using get_bloginfo('rss2_url'); and the WP Core rss.php file, but the output tells me that the “feed is down” and can not be displayed. I have tried using the feed URL directly, and had the same response. I have tried using the code on this page –http://wordpress.org/support/topic/display-rss-feeds-on-pages-any-recommendation?replies=17 – and that throws up errors.

    I have checked the RSS feed, which appears to be valid in Firefox, and also appears to be valid according to W3C (using direct input, just copy-pasted the feed from view:source). My feed is on a local installation so can not as yet show you the code, if you would like to see it to help (I am uploading it as we speak for a more thorough demo). Any ideas on where the solution could lie?

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