• Resolved r0meobrav0


    Previously opened a support question with the information here:


    So, to recap:

    We have used WooCommerce for years, and have it linked to our business Royal Mail Click+Drop Online Business Account. So when someone buys via our website, the order is pulled through into Click+Drop, all information shows etc.

    What we are finding is certain overseas countries’ information is being provided by the customer but shown in Click+Drop differently.


    Custom has provided address of:
    Name: John Smith
    Address Line 1: 123 Street Name
    City: Examplecity
    Postcode/Zip: 12345
    Country/Region: Spain
    State/County: Examplestate

    When shown in Click + Drop, this shows as:

    John Smith
    123 Street Name

    It’s as if the State/County isn’t passed properly and usually in the form of a single letter, but other counties on other orders work just fine. It seems to be certain states/county’s only (that I’ve noticed), and this also happens every single time with the state/county as “Attica” when Greece is the country – this comes through in Click + Drop as just the letter “I” so usually means non-delivery if we don’t spot and amend it.

    This also does it when the State/County used is “Cantabria” in Spain, and is replaced with a single “S” instead. I am sure there will be more, but these are just ones we notice and manually have to override now when spotted.

    However, reported this in the above thread linked at the start, and it was closed as a Royal Mail fault – so we escalated it to Royal Mail. They have been doing a lot of digging and looking at their backend for us, and taking it quite seriously.

    They have told me that their report shows:

    “We have carried out an investigation and and it does look like we are just being passed a single character in the state field.

    So for example, in your order you supplied information/screenshots of, the state/county in your WooCommerce store is ‘Attica’ – but we are being passed the letter ‘I’.

    We have checked our databases for other international WooCommerce orders, and some of them have a single digit identifier, and some have the actual name of the state.

    It’s worth passing this information on to WooCommerce, to see if they can identify what is being saved in the ‘State’ field in the database in the back end of WooCommerce, and when they get back to you we can take it from there.”

    What this means is every single order passed from WooCommerce is erroneous and means the end result is cost for us as we have an undeliverable item and have paid postage for it.

    Can this be looked into please? We feel it’s fairly serious and needs rectifying or something looking at?

    I notice the latest WooCommerce update it had a lot of “state” identifier fixes for other countries – but not Greece/Spain in my issues above – is that the same sort of thing that may need looking at?

    Feedback welcomed as always..


    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by r0meobrav0.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by r0meobrav0.
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