• Resolved johnny mosaic


    Hi, i tried what you posted last time about the squesnce of shortcodes and still the root search doesn’t work.

    It searches all my albums even though it is supposed to only search album 4.

    It returns two slideshows on the page.

    I tried it again on a page to give you another example…

    [wppa type=”landing”]Any comment[/wppa]
    [wppa type=”search” root=”#4″ landing=”733″]Any comment[/wppa]
    [wppa type=”slide” album=”4″]Any comment[/wppa]

    What am i missing?


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  • Thread Starter johnny mosaic


    on my other site, having the landing shortcode below the sequence works, and the root search works.;; but when i try this order on the heartdoodle site it still returns photos from all albums rather then just the root album.

    Here is example on other site that is working. It’s same theme. http://www.oisheichildrensmosaic.org/abc

    [wppa type=”slide” album=”59″]Any comment[/wppa]
    [wppa type=”search” root=”#59″ landing=”1652″]Any comment[/wppa]
    [wppa type=”landing”]Any comment[/wppa]

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Please tell me what i have to enter on what page to see what wrong results

    Thread Starter johnny mosaic


    here are two names…. on heartdoodle.com

    Bill is in album 4
    Gwen is in album 15

    it should only return album 4 pics. but it also returns other albums pics.

    Thread Starter johnny mosaic



    it is set up to return root album 4

    [wppa type=”slide” album=”4″][/wppa]
    Did you submit your Heartdoodle? Search for it by name:
    [wppa type=”search” root=”#4″ landing=”574″]Any comment[/wppa]

    Gwen should not be in the search result on this. she is in album 15
    Anthony is in album 15 also

    Thread Starter johnny mosaic


    would it help you for me to give you admin permissions to sign on to the back end to wee all the wordpress pages, etc? If so, let me know.

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Please install the latest development version
    I made a change that will likely fix it. At least there are a few more diagnostic messages so i can better see what is going on.

    Thread Starter johnny mosaic


    ok, its working now…. why? ha ha…. i mean why has it been working on my other site as the older version and not on this site until now?

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    I changed:

    if ( wppa( 'occur' ) == '1' && $wppa_session['has_searchbox'] && ! wppa( 'in_widget' ) ) {


    if ( wppa( 'occur' ) == '1' && ! wppa( 'in_widget' ) && ( $wppa_session['has_searchbox'] || isset( $_REQUEST['wppa-forceroot'] ) ) ) {

    This means that ‘it is root search now’ ( when it is already searching now ) not only when there is a box on the page that you can have ticked for rootsearch, but also when wppa-forceroot is set ( i.e. our case on submitting the search with forced root ). Are you still with me?

    Thread Starter johnny mosaic


    lol, no, but as long as it is working and will continue to work on any site when updates come through then that’s good with me.

    Thanks for correcting it. That feature is vital to my applications.

    Thread Starter johnny mosaic


    and, i assume that any new album that i set as a child of the searched root album will also show up, correct?

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    In human words: the program checks if it might be rootsearching if a root-search tick box has been seen on the page. Now, it also checks if it is rootsearching just because of the force-root argument, regardless of the checkbox’s existance.

    Yes, the root includes all sub-sub-albums:

    $root_albs = wppa_expand_enum( wppa_alb_to_enum_children( $root ) );

    example: makes from 16 ( album 16 ) where 17 is a child of 16, and 123 and 12 are children of 17, rsulting in query

    ...  AND album IN (16,17,123,12) ...

    This patch will stay in future releases.

    Thread Starter johnny mosaic


    great , thanks! hey if its simple, can you tell me how to change “No photos found matching your search criteria.” to something else? its not that important but it would be nice to know. Thanks!

    Anyhow, you are great, thanks for the help! I hope to leave you alone for a while!

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Make a copy of …/wp-photo-album-plus/theme/wppa-theme.php and place it in your theme ( template ) folder.
    Edit this copy, near the bottom you will find the text to edit.
    Now tick the box in Table IV-A17: Use customized theme file.

    This will be update safe until the wppa-theme.php is modified by me.

    Thread Starter johnny mosaic


    Thanks, it worked, all set

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