• Resolved vaccinemedia


    I was editing a page this morning and totally messed it up but then discovered that there were no revisions for the page to go back to. I then noticed that all posts and pages had no revisions anymore and Elementor was telling me that revisions are disabled.

    On further inspection I found the following line 131 on geodirectory.php
    $this->define( ‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, 0 );

    Disabling the GeoDirectory plugin restored my revisions on posts and pages.

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  • Plugin Author Stiofan


    Hi @vaccinemedia,

    Sorry to hear you had issues with this. If the site is not auto-setting the revision number then we set it. We have had issues with large sites gathering up thousands of unused revisions by users so we set it to auto only save one.

    You can easily set this from your wp-config.php file and it will override our setting.
    define( 'WP_POST_REVISIONS', 5 );

    If you have any issues please let me know.



    Thread Starter vaccinemedia


    Thanks! That worked.

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