• Resolved sokratesagogo


    Thanks for a great plugin. We particularly find the Container block useful, but sometimes forget to add it at the appropriate stage of layout building.

    The Group block is very handy in this regard, in that selecting a grouping of blocks gives the option to create a group container for them. Could this functionality be added to the Container block, pretty please with sugar on top?

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  • I have the same issue where I add blocks before planning ahead and adding the container block first. In other words, I add content then realize I could use the container blocks formatting features.

    Trouble is that when I add a container adjacent to those blocks, the container disappears when I select the blocks to move into the container.

    My cludgy workaround is to add two paragraphs into the container first, then drag the other blocks into the container, then delete the unwanted paragraphs. This involves lots of clicking and is not user-friendly but at least works.

    Is there any way to place something, perhaps placeholder text, in the container block to force it to stay available while selecting the other blocks to drag the into the container?

    @sokratesagogo Thanks for your suggestion. The Container block would definitely benefit from some attention around the use case you offered.

    The workaround @stinkykong suggested is what I tend to do as well – add a temporary paragraph block to the Container block, move the other blocks in, then delete the paragraph.

    That’s not an ideal solution, though.

    Do you think it would work better if the Container block showed with a border, and an “Add Block” + icon after being added, or if it’s empty? This would create an area that blocks could be dragged into.

    Thread Starter sokratesagogo


    Hi @lukecarbis
    Thanks for getting back. Yes, the border and icon would be a great idea. Thanks @stinkykong for the suggestion. My customers have been doing this, grouping the content to be moved, and then dragging the Group container between the paragraphs. Adding a border as Luke suggests would hopefully make this a quicker process!

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