• Resolved rosbiffer


    I have a page that I would like to have part of restricted only to certain groups. I thought I could do this

    [profilegrid_show gid="7"]
    [profilegrid_group gid="7"]
    Unrestricted content...

    However when members of group 7 view the page the profilegrid group shortcode is not parsed. Is that intentional? Is is possible to do what I am trying to do?

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  • Plugin Author ProfileGrid Support


    Hello @rosbiffer,

    The Conditional Content show Shortcode does not parse the shortcode as of now, you may only put the content in between to display in condition.

    You may use the page or post content display option to show the shortcode based on group. For more information on this, please visit the link: https://profilegrid.co/wordpress-content-restriction/

    We have noted this requirement and forwarded it to our team for possible improvement in future updates.

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