• Sadly, after today’s WordPress 5.5 update, I’m noticing our lightbox is no longer functioning with this plugin.

    If anyone has a solution for getting it working again, please let me know.

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  • Thread Starter Aharon


    In all fairness, it’s not only responsive lightbox. Using the Async Javascript plugin I was able to get responsive lightbox working again using the javascript defer setting (but that broke other things). It would be nice if I had the option to set this specific plugin to javascript defer.



    I have the same issue. Looks like not working with the WP update.



    Same here, I downgraded to 5.4 temporarily just to make sure.

    Hope this is sorted.

    Plugin Author subhansanjaya


    @spaceling Can you please provide me a link or let me know in details if you know what is causing the issue? So I can fix it and update the plugin. Thank you.

    Thread Starter Aharon


    The issue with Responsive Lightbox is the same issue affecting so many plugins with the WordPress 5.5 change. I’m sorry I can’t tell you much more since Responsive Lightbox isn’t generating any errors I can copy over to you.

    All I can say is I have Responsive Lightbox working again thanks to the “Enable jQuery Migrate Helper” plugin. (I’m no longer using the Async Javascript plugin I mentioned above.) We’re running php 7.3.




    I can’t really tell you any details other than that it doesn’t load (no error messages etc.)

    Here’s a link to a page with a gallery in it though

    I activated that plugin, but it hasn’t done anything for me and the Lightbox still doesn’t work. I’m using PHP 7.4.

    I do get an error on the dashboard though

    jQuery.fn.load() is deprecated

    Camille O’Donoghue


    The primary issue for me is any iframe type links are opening instead of going to lightbox.

    So after updating WP to v5.5.1 with all plugins updated including Responsive Lightbox Pro the lightbox stops working.
    Rolling the live site back to WP v5.4.2 fixed it but I can’t update WP now without resolving it or replacing the lightbox.

    I checked the defer method but it made no difference, either way, jQuary excluded or not. All caching cleared.

    The site Services page has two iframe link types: google map links in header and footer, and each service link opens to lightbox. That link is to the working site not a broken version.

    It was the WP update that broke it.

    No obvious console or network errors in the browser.

    I had a look at the demo and changed the rel value from lightbox to lightbox-video-0 just in case but no joy.

    I am running a site dev version (v5.5.1) that is not working so I can try things and provide feedback.
    Any help appreciated.

    Plugin Author subhansanjaya


    HI @spaceling, @r4hypnotherapy, @niallasd, @krysar,

    Sorry for the late reply. Please try the updated plugin and let me know. It should work fine now. I have fixed all the deprecated warnings related to the plugin.


    Thread Starter Aharon


    Thank you for updating the plugin @subhansanjaya.

    Alas, in WPv5.6 the plugin does not seem to be working anymore.

    I also tested Simple lightbox, another lightbox plugin, and it no longer function anymore in WPv5.6 either.

    Plugin Author subhansanjaya


    @spaceling I tested it on WPv5.6. It should be working fine now. Can you please send me a link? So I can have a look.


    Thread Starter Aharon


    Thread Starter Aharon


    Thank you so much for your help. Strangely, it seems to work now…

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Aharon.
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