• Resolved ojasya


    This works great but

    I can’t find the responsive control options for all the controls

    for eg: no responsive option for dimensions

    Am i missing to enable some setting

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  • Plugin Support Reedwanul Haque


    Hi @ojasya ,

    Thanks for contacting us.

    I want to let you know that we have given the option to insert Elementor widgets for creating a new custom widget(screenshot). You get all of those widget responsive options in a new custom widget. I am sharing a video on this topic. Hopefully, you are clear on this topic.

    Let us know if you need further assistance.


    Thread Starter ojasya


    Hey @reedwanul

    Thanks a lot for your reply and taking time to do that video

    That is really helpful knowing that for font size we can control it for all break points. But I guess this is for PRO.

    But my question was regarding the dimension i.e margin and padding . There I don’t see such options . we can control margin & padding just for one screen

    Or is it that this avaiable in PRO version?

    Plugin Support Reedwanul Haque


    Hi @ojasya,

    I hope this message finds you well & am understand your concern. I want to let you know that we have just the option to insert Elementor widgets for creating a new custom widget. Currently, You can add padding & margin for the entire widget. However, please give us more details about what you want to achieve. It would be a lot easier for us if you gave us a video about what you want to achieve so that we can understand the problem properly and help you find a solution as soon as possible.

    I am looking forward to your response.


    Thread Starter ojasya


    hey Reju

    Thanks for your message
    here is a little video demo explaining the issue

    I hope the problem should be clear. but if its not then please let me know

    Plugin Support Reedwanul Haque


    Hi @ojasya ,

    I hope this message finds you well & extremely sorry for the delayed response. I have tried to view the video. Unfortunately, I am not able to view the video. Could you please share a valid URL so that I can show the video & help you to find a solution as soon as possible.

    Looking forward to your response.

    Best Regards,

    Plugin Support Moin Munna


    Hello @ojasya,
    I hope you’re doing fine.

    We haven’t received any update from you till the last response and assuming that the issue is resolved now. For that reason, I’m marking this thread as resolved. If you need further assistance, never hesitate to create a new thread. We are always here to assist you.

    Best Regards,

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