• Resolved Kristan


    I have Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights installed on many of my client sites and I keep running into this issue where the reports won’t load because of a Bad Request Error until I reauthenticate:

    The API returned a 400 response with this message: MonsterInsights failed to retrieve the new report data. Error message: { “error”: “invalid_grant”, “error_description”: “Bad Request” }


    What’s frustrating is the frequency of this need to reauthenticate- on several sites I’ve authenticated or reauthenticated, seen that the reports are working, and then two or three days later I get this Bad Request error again. What’s up?

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  • Plugin Author chriscct7


    Hi there,
    An invalid_grant issue comes from Google themselves, not from us, and is specific to your analytics account. It’s one of the more frustrating errors we have to work with from Google since it’s used for a variety of unrelated errors but generally this is caused by one of the following things:
    – You are authenticating in for more than 20 websites. Google themselves has a limit on how many authentications a Google account user can have active for Google Analytics now (not imposed by us, and not related to our update). If you’re using more than 20, you’ll want to either split them between multiple Google accounts, or if you use Google GSuite, each Gsuite account gets 20, so that’s a good way to get around it. This sounds like it might be the cause of your issue.
    – Your webserver has a time that is slightly off or not set
    – The account you are using did not access GA in 6 months (automatically invalidates the oAuth token)
    – Soemone with ownership to your account, or who has ownership of the Google Analytics account you’re authenticating in manually revoked some or all GA authorizations
    – The Google account you use, or the one that is the master to the GA account reset their overall Google password (which revokes all GA authorizations)

    If you’re not using a single Google account to authenticate into more than 20 websites, feel free to get in touch with us at monsterinsights.com/lite-support/ and we’ll be happy to help assist you track down this issue and make sure it gets resolved for you


    Thread Starter Kristan


    Hi Chris,

    Do you know if the tracking still works if I’ve authenticated for more than 20 sites? Since I never had any issues with manual authentication presumably tracking works with that method, but I’m wondering how quickly I need to deauthenticate and reauthenticate manually….


    Plugin Author chriscct7


    Hi there,
    It absolutely does work even if you’re over 20. We spent quite a lot of time making MonsterInsights resilient to server outages so even if Google’s auth crashed, you site will still be tracking data in (you just wouldn’t be able to get reports back until Google fixed their server).

    Right now your sites are tracking, it’s just on the over limit ones you can’t access reports.

    Thread Starter Kristan


    Perfect, that’s what I figured but wanted to confirm. Thank you!

    Same on my site promoizlog.net..and all other sites where im using same plugin

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by mon33x.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by mon33x.

    Same error message for me too, could anyone solve it ? MonsterInsights, any tip or any clue where it might come from ? Thanks in advance

    [Edit] Nevermind. Misread the original post.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by cheekymoonkey.

    I have the same problem in http://www.elmercadodelpescado.com
    Could you help me to solve?

    Thanks in advance,

    Also here on https://lonesome-dragon.com this error occurs. But I don’t have 20 websites or other things like mentioned here.
    Re-authentication does solve the issue, but not for long. Already next day it happens again 🙁

    Any help welcome – thanks!

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