• Resolved informativos


    Hi… we are testing CleanTalk (we have bought a license anyway) and we have found that the login reports we receive by mail are not in ‘local time’ and it would be nice this option.

    So… just a sugerence

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support katereji


    Please, could you check the option “Timezone” in your profile options? You can find it here: your CleanTalk dashboard -> Profile (click on your email account in the top right corner of the page) -> Profile options. Please set it to your timezone.
    Did it help?

    Plugin Support sergecleantalk



    We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this as resolved – if you have any further questions, you can start a new thread.

    Thread Starter informativos


    Sorry… I didn´t notice your answers. @Katejeri: yes; my timezone is set correctly

    One exact example:

    Mail received at 11:15 h
    The login info says: 16:20 h

    So, it´s difficult to understand that I receive an email ‘before’ the login time says someone logged in

    Plugin Support katereji


    Hello @informativos
    Could you please contact us at welcome@cleantalk.org or through the ticket system and send us screenshots of the time from the login information (where you see it) and the email you received about this event? We would like to check if something goes wrong.

    Plugin Support katereji


    In addition, please check what timezone is set on your webserver (or ask your hoster about it).

    Plugin Support sergecleantalk



    We’ve fixed a time display for email reports.

    Thread Starter informativos


    Yes. Now it works fine


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by informativos.
    Plugin Support sergecleantalk


    You’re welcome!

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