• Resolved toolidoo


    Hello, i hope someone can point me into the right direction.

    I would like to replace my nextcellent gallery with NextGen.

    I was hoping to be able to just move my images from one plugin to another.

    So far, I have installed the NextGen plugin, but not yet removed/deactivated NextCellent. NextGen cannot be activated, it says fatal error but with no details given.

    Any help much appreciated,
    thank you.

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  • Plugin Support Mihai Ceban


    Hi @toolidoo,

    I am sorry but there could be too many reasons why a plugin cannot be activated and respectively we can only offer you a couple of initial steps that would hopefully narrow a bit the use-case.

    I would start by checking with the hosting provider to make sure that the following NextGen Gallery plugin’s requirements are met: https://www.imagely.com/docs/requirements/

    If the above wouldn’t help, you may need to enable WordPress debug mode by editing your site’s wp-config.php file by FTP and replacing the following line:

    define('WP_DEBUG', false);

    with this

    ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL );
    define('WP_DEBUG', true);
    define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
    define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true);

    Save the changes and try to install and activate NextGen again to see if the error will be more relevant and provide us with that error code. If the error still remains irrelevant, please login by FTP to your domain’s file server, navigate to "wp-content" folder and edit the error_log.txt file then look for the most recent Fatal or Syntax error code. Provide us with that line.


    Because it has been a month or more since your last reply, I am going to mark this as resolved as I assume you have found a solution. Please feel free to reply again if you still have questions.


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