• Resolved zocios


    I’m the foundation VP and website manager for a small healthcare foundation attached to an independent cancer center. We’ve been happily using GiveWP for several years for online donations. But the Exec Director of the foundation (who just left) was firmly wedded to eTapestry as the primary foundation database. I have access to eTapesty, and every time I login I am overwhelmed by it’s incredibly complicated and nearly impenetrable structure (like something created 20 years ago). It’s also very expensive, and we are a small foundation. The ED just left and we have hired a new ED who will start shortly.

    So, the reason for my writing is this is an excellent opportunity to transition to a different primary database. Since many of our donations come online using GiveWP, one logical solution would be to move EVERYTHING to GiveWP. How difficult would this be, and is GiveWP capable of providing all of the essential features that eTapestry now purports to offer? I’m hoping that somebody reading this may have already made this transition. It would be great to be able to show that to our new ED. (GiveWP doesn’t seem to be set up to answer this question in their support options.)

    Thank you very much in advance. Steve K.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Matt Cromwell


    HI @zocios — We do have robuts Import features, which you can read about in more detail here:

    But I understand that unique use-cases need a bit more nuance. I’d recommend you reach out to our Priority Support team for more nuanced and detailed help:

    If you are not a current customer, we’d still love to help, so reach out via our contact form and reference this ticket, say I sent you, we’ll get you worked out no problem:


    Thread Starter zocios


    Hi Matt,

    Thanks much for replying so quickly.

    I am indeed a current GiveWP customer, and have been for a number of years. I’ve used your Priority Support very happily in the past. My intention today was to reach out to your Priority Support team. But that page requires that I must select one of the list of options for support, and none of those fit what I’m requesting here. There appears to be no way of bypassing that requirement, unless I select an option that doesn’t really apply, just to get plugged in. Is that what I should do? Which one would you suggest?

    And yes, you are correct, I’m not looking for help with importing data just yet. I’m simply trying to understand whether GiveWP’s capabilities can come close to matching what eTapestry can do.

    Thanks again, S.

    Plugin Author Matt Cromwell


    Ya, I think the option you should choose is “Give Core” — because you’re really asking about a lot of different features we have across the whole plugin.

    But I really think our Priority Support folks are best suited to help you out since it sounds like there’s a lot of nuance to this situation.


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