• Resolved mungbean


    Thanks for adding the repeater field group type! It’s a very powerful capability.

    I’m trying to create a form with a repeater field group to create multiple posts on one form submission. I have a custom post type and would like to create multiple instances of this post type. Is this possible? I have been trying to move the “post data” field type into the repeater “field group” but the UI doesn’t seem to allow me to. The fields in the repeater group will be mapped the fields of the custom post type.

    It appears like the “create post” form only creates one form per submission. Am I doing something wrong or is this capability unsupported?

    If it’s unsupported, is this capability planned? It looks like simply allowing the “post data” field into the repeater field group could achieve this.

    I do understand the limitation of having the “create post” form capability only create one post type per form, I just want to create multiple instances of a post type per form submission, not multiple instances of multiple different post types.


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  • Plugin Support Patrick – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @mungbean

    I hope you are doing well.

    I am afraid it is a limitation of this field, both repeat mapping or post field in mapping, but we already have this requested to our developers and I let them know you are also looking for this feature.

    Best Regards
    Patrick Freitas

    Thread Starter mungbean


    Thanks, Patrick. I am glad others are requesting this functionality too.

    Do you have an ETA on when this feature might be added?

    Plugin Support Kris – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @mungbean

    We have a very low number of requests in this matter and the task for that is on low priority, which means we do not have any ETA at this point. Please stay tune to our roadmap: https://wpmudev.com/roadmap/

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter mungbean


    Understandable, Kris. Thanks.

    I’d just add that by supporting multi post creation with the repeater field group, would make the repeater function complete. And seeing as it was just rolled out, it’d be timely to add support while the feature is still fresh.

    I look forward to the capability.

    How does one vote/add to the roadmap?

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @mungbean

    Thanks for response!

    Roadmap doesn’t have any voting feature but we do take your voice into account. Basically, the fact that you asked for this feature is a “vote” itself – we always forward such requests to our developers. If it’s something that wasn’t requested before and is not yet planned – we create internal feature suggestion ticket (in our internal system) first.

    Then whenever request for same things show up, we just “add it up” to that so our developers know how big the demand for that is.

    Note also: the fact that it’s a “low priority” for now doesn’t mean it will stay that way – it may but it may as well receive more requests, resulting in prioritizing it. It may also happen that for other reasons it will get implemented faster (based on Project Manager and/or developers decision – e.g. if it turns to be inline with something else that’s currently under development).

    But take it as a “general information”, please, rather than any promise. I’m not able to give an ETA at the moment but once it’s about to be implemented, it will surely be announce on the linked roadmap.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter mungbean


    Thanks for explaining the process, Adam. I am just glad your team listens and reacts to feedback.

    I look forward to the repeater enhancement sometime in the future.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by mungbean.
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