• alcatelidolminitest


    As others have already reported the reordering of menu items does not work with newer version of WordPress > 5.8 after updated version of sortable.js and sortable.min.js files in wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/
    As Netface already mentioned this temporary fix you can download those file from the 5.8 version and replace them until the developer will fix the bug in WordPress version 5.9 but this workaround does not work in WordPress 6 or newer. And downgrading vom WordPress 6.1.1 to versions before 5.9 is not an option just to reorder the menu items.

    Since the plugin has not been marked as compatible with these newer versions of WordPress that problem is annoying but will probably not be fixed.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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