• Resolved cthaa


    Hi there,

    Really like the theme, it’s very simple but that’s just perfect for me. One thing I haven’t been able to do is alter the line below the header, I’d like to either remove it or change its color to match the rest of the look that I’m going for. Is there any way I can do that? I don’t really code but I’ve tried to customise CSS with different header attributes, but to no avail (I’m probably doing it wrong, though).

    Do you have any tips on how to achieve this?

    I’ve temporarily taken the site out of Maintenance mode. 🙂

    • This topic was modified 2 months ago by cthaa.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    Hi, you can remove the border line on the fixed header through the Site Editor without adding any CSS. that’s because the theme is enabled for full site editing.

    If you do want to do it through CSS for some reason, here’s how you would do it:

    .wp-block-group.is-style-fixed-header { border: none; }

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