• Resolved ducsd


    Hello there,
    is there a way to remove/hide the “SEO” link from the admin menu (sidebar) fo a specific user. I’m ok with the link, but I don’t think the editor will use it so I want to hide it. I hid everything I needed so far using Adminimize plugin, but this link is still there! It says “SEO” and it leads to https://mysite/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpseo_workouts.
    Found some snippets on the internet, but non of them worked. Thank you!

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  • Plugin Support Michael Tiña


    Hi @ducsd

    We understand you want to hide the ‘SEO’ menu in the sidebar from the backend dashboard.

    Unfortunately, there isn’t any option within the plugin to fully hide this for a certain user. To an extent, you can look into using SEO roles, but that might not fully hide the ‘SEO’ menu in the sidebar. You might have to look at some other custom option in order to achieve this.

    Thread Starter ducsd


    Got it. Thank you!

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