• Resolved 2008ebuss



    is this possible to fix, when a product is out of stock I don’t want to see the + and – an dquantity box.

    please let me know.

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Plugin Author taisho



    I’ll have it solved in the next plugin release by modification of quantity-input.php template file.

    Best regards,


    Thread Starter 2008ebuss


    Thanks for your response. Can you tell me more about the new release, Couple of days or weeks?

    Please let me know.


    This ticket is resolved, but I don’t see an answer to the latest question. When is the next update release?

    Best regards.


    Plugin Author taisho



    I expected to release a new version much sooner, but it got delayed due to job change consuming a lot of my time.

    I’ll be releasing it tomorrow or on Monday.

    Best regards,


    Plugin Author taisho


    Edit: the related change is going to be:

    * The quantity input field and increment buttons are now hidden on archive pages for out of stock products.

    WooCommerce by default hides quantity input boxes (therefore QIB buttons won’t show up) on single product pages for simple products that are out of stock.

    However, for variable products, some variations may be out of stock while others are not, resulting in a quantity input box appearing for all variations, including out of stock ones (therefore QIB buttons will also show up for all variations).

    I don’t see any easy way to alter the display between variation changes through jQuery for now.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by taisho.

    How fix


    if ( $args['qib_archive_after'] = "Before Add to cart" ) {
    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', 'qib_quantity_field_archive', 9 );
    } else {
    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', 'qib_quantity_field_archive', 11 );

    in /wp-content/plugins/qty-increment-buttons-for-woocommerce/qty-increment-buttons-for-woocommerce.php

    Plugin Author taisho


    @demon146 This will stop the buttons from showing on archive pages no matter what Archive display option in plugin settings is set to. Therefore I recommend using plugin settings to toggle archive buttons on and off.

    Best regards, Ryszard

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by taisho.
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