• Resolved pollardd


    I have set things up so that non logged in users should be able to access the user registration form as you would expect.
    I had the SignUp sheet plugin working fairly well when I noticed the register link on the login dialog was going to the standard WordPress register form which doesn’t have all the required fields.
    After some searching I decided to use the following code in the functions.php (in a child theme) to direct the request to the correct SignUpSheet register form.
    add_filter( ‘register_url’, ‘custom_register_url’ );
    function custom_register_url( $register_url ){
        $register_url = get_permalink( $register_page_id = 17 );
        return $register_url;
    This didn’t make any difference so I commented it out again as shown.

    Now, as a user who is not logged in when I click on the link or the menu item to the register form it goes to the standard WP login but if I actually log in on that dialog it goes to the correct Registration Form.

    My Privacy Policy page is accessible when not logged in and that works correctly. I can not see any differences between the settings on these two pages. Both are set to “Settings Default” nothing else.

    The register page has only one thing on it

    It’s not Browser or Cache related as I have tried this on my Ipad with Safari and Chrome, Window and Linux. Refreshed Control F5, you name it.

    I even created a new page named “New User” and added only [wppb-register] and it does the same thing.

    Any Ideas what I’m missing?

    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by pollardd.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter pollardd


    I think I found it.
    In WP Admin -> Profile Builder -> Private Website Tab -> Allowed Pages.

    Redirect To: Login Page.
    Allowed Pages include “New User”

    Thread Starter pollardd


    Call this one fixed 🙂

    Plugin Author DBAR Productions


    OK. Glad you got it figured out. Sorry for the late response, but I’m out of town for the 3 day weekend, visiting family.

    My plugin will just use the WP function to retrieve the login URL if you check the box to show the login link. If you are using another plugin to create your own login or registration page, it is up to that plugin to use the hooks provided in WP to redirect to the new page. If you are creating a page with a shortcode on it, then there should be a place somewhere in the plugin for you to set that page to redirect to. My plugin doesn’t handle registration, as that is already built into WP as well as there being multiple plugins to create custom registration and login forms/pages. No sense in trying to recreate what already exists.

    Thread Starter pollardd


    Dont worry about slow response, I get how forums work. Reply when and if you can 🤠

    I have quite a few different plugins installed to get all the features I want and I’m a little surprised they work so well together. Just hard to remember where every thing is. Im sure it will be harder to remember a year or five down the track when I get a support call 🤠

    You have done a great job creating Signup Sheets. So many features. Well Done


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