• Resolved Anonymous User 9824923



    How I reduce the space between my images inside a specific gallery like in this page: [ redundant link removed ]

    Best regards,

    Irina Sopas

    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by t-p.
    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by Jan Dembowski.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Prashant Singh


    Hi @irinasopas

    If you want to create a gallery just like an example you gave then please try this https://wordpress.org/plugins/responsive-tabs/ plugin

    I hope this will help you.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 9824923


    @prashantvatsh Hallo, hope you’re fine.

    I already have the plugin, what I need is to reduce the space between my images in the gallery. I’m using the default wordpress gallery.

    I created a gallery so you can see:


    Best regards,

    Irina Sopas

    Prashant Singh


    Please try the following CSS code:

    div#gallery-2 {
        text-align: center;
    div#gallery-2 .gallery-item {
        max-width: 15%;

    You can put it in Appearance -> Customize -> Custom CSS section.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 9824923


    The code works but is messing aroud with all galleries, how I can turn it specific? Galleries has id’s?

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 9824923


    Oh i figure out, I’m using the page id before, like

    .page-id-21625 div#gallery-2 {
    text-align: center;

    .page-id-21625 div#gallery-2 .gallery-item {
    max-width: 5%;

    Prashant Singh


    Yeah if you want to write for that page only then using page-id is fine.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 9824923


    Nice! Thank you so much! You made my day hahaha

    I wish you the best @prashantvatsh and take care of yourself.

    Prashant Singh


    Thanks. Take Care 🙂

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 9824923


    So your code mixed with mine is working like a charm in the pages, but how I make it work in tabs? If you look here /mentiras-verdadeiras-1/#mentiras-verdadeiras-1-tab-0 it is working I think because is the first tab but it isn’t working in the second and third tabs:


    What can I add to the code

    .page-id-13509 div#gallery-2 {
        text-align: center;
    .page-id-13509 div#gallery-2 .gallery-item {
        max-width: 5%;

    to make it work also in the other tabs?

    Prashant Singh


    I am not able to see the icons anymore.

    Prashant Singh


    https://prnt.sc/sxjjxl – Not visible

    Prashant Singh


    Please replace the older code with the following one:

    .page-id-13509 .gallery {
        text-align: center;
    .page-id-13509 .gallery .gallery-item {
        max-width: 5%;

    In our last code, we used this id div#gallery-2 which is only for the first tab. In the other tabs, id is getting changed so now I have generalized it by using the common class name which appears on all the galleries.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 9824923


    Wowwwwwwwwwwwww! That made the trick! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I would carry in my arms if I could as thanks for the huge help you gave me.

    A VERY BIG HUG FOR YOU. I would add you on facebook but I couldn’t find you. Mine: [ totally deleted ]

    I LIKE YOU. 😀

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Please go easy with the link, you could set off the spam filters. You don’t want to be considered a spammer, do you?

    I’ve removed all of the links including the Facebook one for that reason except the one in the link field. Please don’t use these forums for networking (which is why I zapped the FB link). The thank you and big hug for Prashant was cool though. 😉

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 9824923


    Hallo! OP’S I didn’t know. It won’t happen again. I wish you an amazing day. Hugs

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