• Hello

    Is there a way to manually re-write the information entered into general options wp
    (root directory/address)?

    What happened was, during the experimental regrouping of my blogs I changed the
    WordPress address (URI):
    Blog address (URI):
    through wp-general options and redirected both blog’s root directories into the vast of space. Files from both databases are still present.

    I tried to separate them back to origin but ended up in, uh, further chaos, that is, unable to access one of WP interfaces through my browser and unable to edit the other.
    In the first case the error message is:
    “It doesn’t look like you’ve installed WP yet. Try running install.php.”
    “You appear to have already installed WordPress”

    In the second:
    I can enter the interface but get ultimately redirected to the first case.

    I understand you might or might not have a simple solution but in any case thank you and happy easter.

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