• Resolved Ximbalo



    We have 12 small websites with AIOWPS installed.

    Recently we are seeing an error_log file appear with a single entry in the /wp-admin/ folder for every site:

    [29-Aug-2023 13:11:12 UTC] AIOS firewall error: Unable to save messages store to the database: unable to get the correct table.

    Of course, as a built-in part of the AIOWPS settings, the database table prefix was updated to something other than “wp_”.

    But it seems odd that AIOWPS would now be unable to find the right table to save its own event log messages to?

    Any input or feedback would be apprecaited.

    Thank You,


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  • Plugin Support hjogiupdraftplus


    Hi @ximbalo

    do you have the {$db_prefix}_aiowps_message_store similar table in database there ? It seems some how that table not created please cross check and let me know if that table exists or not.

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