• Resolved bizepsstore


    Hi, I have a problem. The Read more button doesn’t work on my mobile version. The text is shortened and the button appears, but it then has no function. Everything works perfectly on the desktop. What could this be due to?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author edmon.parker


    Hi @bizepsstore,

    Thank you for connecting us.
    Could you please temporary deactivate your cache plugin and try click that time.

    Please check and let me know about your progress.

    Thread Starter bizepsstore


    We have the WP Rocket plugin for the cache. If I disable this it works. What settings do I have to make in WP Rocket so that your plugin works?

    Plugin Author edmon.parker


    Dear @bizepsstore,

    Please try to exclude our plugin from WP Rocket cache plugin.

    Plugin Author edmon.parker


    Dear @bizepsstore,

    I checked your website and found the Read more is working correctly now.
    Im going to close this support tread.
    If you will have any questions feel free to ask. We will appreciate new feature suggestions also.

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