• Resolved aph5



    I’ve recently started using Revisions, and I really like it, so thank you ☺️

    Question backstory:

    • When I create a new revision, make edits, then view the preview, and hit “Publish Now”. The page redirects to the web view of that page, and the updates are added. Excellent.
    • However, in the previous tab is the revision that I had been working on. If I then continue to add edits to that revision, they don’t appear to be saved. Even if you use the “Save draft” button, or try and publish the edits again. Essentially it looks like it should be possible to add future edits, but they don’t save.


    • Is this the expected behavior, or is there a way around this?
    • If this is the expected behavior, then presumably that tab should be closed quickly, and further edits should only be added once a new revision has been made?

    Thanks for your help with this query.

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  • Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    Hi @aph5

    What does previous tab mean? Do you have that revisions that already published?

    Thread Starter aph5


    Ah, ok, think I’ve figure it out.

    I thought that I had to preview an article (which opens a new tab), before I could then hit the yellow publish button.

    However, I’ve now seen that I can hit approve within the editor window, and then it redirects to the URL of the published post.

    I’ll use the latter workflow in future, as it will lead to less mistakes. Thanks!

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