• Resolved TC


    When responding to a Q&A message I get an error that makes it appear the response was not submitted. I refresh the page and the response has been submitted. I’m not sure what is causing the error. It shows a red box under the reply to question section after you select the reply button. If you try to submit it again it tells you Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that! but when refreshed you will see the reply.

    When responding to the Q&A questions, the link takes me to a comment for approval. After I approve it I am redirected to the comments section. This section does not contain questions so it’s unclear why we are redirected here instead of to the question. I should be sent to the Q&A section so I can immediately respond to the question. Instead you have to mess around getting to the Q&A section to find the question and answer it. The flow of this could be greatly improved for ease of use.

    The Q&A frontend window for submitting a question is very plain with an empty slider box at the top. I’m not even sure why the empty slider box is there. It looks rough and I do not see any place to adjust this in the admin area.

    • This topic was modified 2 months ago by TC.
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  • Plugin Support pistachio6321


    Thanks for trying our plugin!

    1. Could share a screenshot of this error and a link to the page where we can check it?
    2. Could you clarify which link you are using for approval? A screenshot will be helpful to understand this problem.
    3. The window should be plain as our plugin doesn’t add unnecessary elements to a page. However, I cannot see an empty slider box that you mentioned on our test site. It might be a conflict with your theme or another plugin. Could you share a link to the page where we can check this problem?
    Thread Starter TC


    I could not reproduce the error. I assume it was a conflict with another plugin and has been fixed.

    Here are some screenshots of the other issues. https://quickforget.com/s/9b98ae78e52886db6aff9dcdbe69233f9c4dc9381024f26b

    Plugin Support pistachio6321


    Thanks for sharing the screenshots.

    Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the same behavior with empty slider boxes. It could be that you have customized the default Q&A templates on your website. Please remove any customized templates of our plugin from your theme’s folder and check if it will resolve the problem.

    Plugin Support bagel1317


    We haven’t heard from you for more than two weeks. For this reason, I’ll assume that either you are not interested in this question/problem anymore or it has been resolved. If you still require any help, please start a new forum topic

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