• Resolved bgbs


    The [user] shortcode, I believe, only works for the current user. I need to create a shortcode which is able to pull out user info about a specific user.

    [if user=username]
       [user name]
       [user email]

    does not work for me. Any ideas how I can make it work?

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  • Hi,

    You can use the ID of the user.

    [users include=7]
      Name: [user]
      Contact: [user email]


    Thread Starter bgbs


    Awesome, thanks for your help.
    I have another question.
    For [user archive-link] How would I make it display “My blog posts” linked to the archive page? Right now it displays the name of the author and links it to the archives page. I tried <a href="[user archive-link]">My blog posts</a>
    And I tried [user archive-link]My blog posts[/user] But it is not working.
    Any ideas?

    Thread Starter bgbs


    Nevermind, I was using the wrong fields to achieve this, should have used archive-url

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