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  • Did you ever get an answer to this? I am having the same thing happen!

    Plugin Author jamiechong


    @everydaymaven I’ve been investigating this, but can’t reproduce the problem. Are you using WP Recipe Maker by chance?

    yes, I am!

    Plugin Author jamiechong


    So is the problem happening on pages that have recipes? Can you walk me through how to setup the page/post/??? that you’re Revisionizing? I’ve never used this plugin before, but it seems to be the one causing the problem.

    Hey Jamie, Every one of my posts has a recipe (in WPRM) as I have a food blog. If there is an incompatibility with WPRM, I am just going to remove your plugin. If you update it and get it figured out, let me know b/c I love the functionality and want to use it. thanks!

    It is my belief that this happens when in the original post, the Title (post title/ name) does not match the URL slug. Is that what you’re finding as well @everydaymaven

    I have been able to reproduce this issue:

    1. Create a new revision of an existing post/page.
    2. Edit the title of the new revision. You can see here (even before saving the revision as a draft or publishing the revision) that the permalink has changed.
    3. Publish the new revision.
    4. View the page. You are taken to the new permalink from the revision. This produces a 404… because the permalink of the original post was never changed, even though the content has, because publishing the revision changes the content of the original post but, apparently, does not change the original post’s permalink.
    5. Go back to the list of pages in the admin and find your original post (now with new content / title). You can view the original post (with the new content from the revision) from here at the original permalink.

    I am not sure if the correct behavior is to not change the permalink in the revision post in the first place or to make sure the permalink change carries over to the original post when you publish the revision, but, imho, one of those two things needs to happen.

    Plugin Author jamiechong


    @thatdevgirl I still cannot reproduce the problem. Which other plugins do you have installed?

    In your step 2 above, note that when you edit a revision, it’s only editing the draft copy of your live post. The permalink changes that WordPress makes based on the title are ignored (or should be!).

    The whole purpose of revisionize is to be able to edit a live in parallel – as a separate post – and then publish back on top of the current live post. The URL is expected to be the same. It should NOT change despite any permalink changes you make to the Revision. If you actually want to change the URL – then there is no point using this plugin. Just create a new draft page…

    So can you please double check that you can reproduce the problem. Can you on a clean install? Can you with all other plugins disabled? I would love to understand what setup everyone has in common that seems to cause this issue.

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