• Resolved Charles Fulton


    We have a number of sites in a subdomain multisite which, for historical reasons, have the site URL in the format http://foo.baz. We force HTTPS at the web server level, so the sites are always rendered as https://foo.baz. For (probably) unrelated reasons we need to use the Raw method for the REST API instead of default method. In this situation, with the URL mismatch and the Raw method, the plugin does not work. If we change the site URL to https://foo.baz, the Raw method works.

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  • Plugin Author John Godley


    So… it sounds like you solved the problem?

    Thread Starter Charles Fulton


    It’s a solution, but I think the plugin should have worked in either scenario.

    Plugin Author John Godley


    The plugin has different API methods because some WordPress setups block the API in various different ways. In your case it seems it is because you have different protocols for your WordPress URL settings and this triggers the browser’s security feature which prevents the API being accessed at a http address when loaded over https. Alternatives are provided to get around this setup.

    Note this isn’t specific to Redirection, and will affect any plugin that uses the REST API.

    Thread Starter Charles Fulton


    Thanks, that makes sense.

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