• Resolved harryman7


    Hello, Loco Translate says in it’s explainations that some plugins”provide their own safe locations too”, in order to protect the translations and don’t get rid of it by certain updates. Is there one for Masterstudy LMS?

    BTW: I’d be grateful for a simple step-by-step explaination making sure that no individual translation will be overwritten. Thanks for any link or hint…

    Regards, Harry

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  • Hi,

    Thank you for your request! Please be informed that we provide the complete tutorial on how to translate theme and plugins in this manual You will find answer for all your questions there.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter harryman7


    Hi Anna,
    thanks for this hint. After a little delay today i could deal with that. I discovered that the explainations referring to plugin translation are only related to beginning with translations. But there is already a german translation and i would like to complete that. Thus there are just a few words to translate. How can i work with exitsting translations and make sure the translations will not be overwritten?
    Thank you for further information!




    Hi @harryman7 ,

    Please kindly note that you can freely add translations even for missing strings. The process is the same as when you only start any translations. The only thing is you will have to update translation templates and add a new translation file for a needed language.Please follow the manual to learn more.

    Best regards.

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