• Resolved kruler69


    Hi there,
    This plugin is a life saver for me, thank you for taking the time and working on it.
    I’m using the unofficial version with the progress bar. While the checklist works just fine, the progress bar won’t render on the frontend.

    Here are the shortcodes that I use
    [frontend-checklist name=”test”]
    [frontend-checklist-progress name=”test”]

    Since the unofficial plugin is 4 years old, I’d figure that has something to do with the WP maybe?

    Thanks again

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  • Plugin Author JonasBreuer


    Hi there,

    Make sure to use the normal quotation marks in the shortcode. Try copy and past this one: [frontend-checklist-progress name="test"]

    If that doesn’t do the trick, it might indeed be a compatibility issue with the new WordPress version. Please understand that I can’t offer further support on this unofficial version.


    Thread Starter kruler69


    It works! Awesome stuff, you saved me a lot of developing hours.

    Thank you so much.

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