• Resolved jazzu



    I have two problems. The first one is the profile picture. No matter, which file I choose, it always shows it as a missing file. It always shows up like this.

    The second problem I’m facing is that I DON’T WANT the nickname to be required. The user already has the Display name option, so having a Nickname field is totally pointless for me. How can I make it not required?

    Kind regards

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  • Plugin Support Mark Kevin


    Hi @jazzu ,

    I went ahead and tested these from my end but I was not able to replicate the issue with the profile picture. I was able to upload an image and successfully view it.

    For the registration, please feel free to delete the nickname field if you do not require. You can do this from the WP dashboard >> Users >> Registration form. Customize the primary registration form from there.

    Thread Starter jazzu


    Hi @mkesteban08 !

    I don’t know. I tried it with multiple pictures and the problem was there since the beggining. Do I need to setup anything else?

    For the registration, I checked WP Dashboard >> Users >> Registration Forms, and there were only 2 field, which were Email and Password. I can’t find the way to delete the Nickname field.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by jazzu.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by jazzu.
    Thread Starter jazzu


    Update: I managed to fix the picture issue with a bit of code I found on this thread.

    The solution:

    add_filter( 'get_avatar', 'fix_avatar_https');
    add_filter( 'get_avatar_url', 'fix_avatar_https');
    function fix_avatar_https($url_or_html) {
    	return str_replace('http://','https://',$url_or_html);

    I still need to get rid of Nickname though.

    Kind regards

    Plugin Author WP User Manager


    You can remove the Nickname in other places.

    To stop the nickname appearing in the profile and account, edit the Nickname custom field (Users > Custom Fields > Primary Fields > Nickname (edit)

    Then in ‘Privacy’ tab set it hidden. In the ‘Permissions’ tab set profile editing to hidden.

    To stop the nickname appearing in the display name dropdown on the account see – https://wpusermanager.com/article/204-remove-the-user-nickname-from-the-display-name-dropdown-in-the-account-page/

    Thread Starter jazzu


    Hi @wpusermanager !

    Thank you for your reply. I solved the issue. The only place Nickname was still required was on Edit Account tab. I just used the code below to remove it and it works fine.

    .fieldset-user_nickname {
    	display: none;

    Kind regards

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