• Resolved zo


    We need specific Product Rating Options based on product type/category.

    i.e. –

    Product Type/Category – Shoes

    Rating Options: 1. Sole Quality, 2. Comfort, 3. Fitting …etc.


    Product Type/Category – Whey Protein

    Rating Options: 1. Taste, 2. Quality, 3. Effectiveness …etc.

    NOTE: If rating options are not related to product type/category will not appear on that product page.

    i.e. – Taste, quality and effectiveness. These rating options are assigned to the whey protein category, so these rating options will only be shown for whey protein products, these rating options are unrelated to shoes and other categories, so these ratings options will not appear here.

    What we need rating templates as per product type/category.
    Is it possible with your plugins?

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