• Hello,

    We would like tu change text “Search Products” on WL Product filer. It is imposible by edit with elementor.

    Could you help us? Thank you!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Zenaul Islam


    Hello @moneli1

    Thank you very much for reaching out to us 🙂
    I have thoroughly read your message.

    As of the moment, there is no option available to change the “Search Products” text from the Product Filter addon.
    We will try to add this option in the future release.

    Kind regards,

    Zenaul Islam

    Thread Starter moneli1



    Thank you for your answer. Or maybe it is possible to change text color? To write additional code..



    Plugin Contributor Tarek Aziz


    Hello Greta,

    I am Tarek Aziz, a support representative of ShopLentor 🙂

    Yes, definitely. It’s possible to change the text color using a little bit of CSS.

    Could you please try adding the following CSS code to the style.css file or customizer?

    .woolentor-filter-wrap form.wl_product_search_form input[type="search"]::placeholder { / Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari 10.1+ /
        color: red;
        opacity: 1; / Firefox /
    .woolentor-filter-wrap form.wl_product_search_form input[type="search"]:-ms-input-placeholder { / Internet Explorer 10-11 /
        color: red;
    .woolentor-filter-wrap form.wl_product_search_form input[type="search"]::-ms-input-placeholder { / Microsoft Edge /
        color: red;

    Hope this helps! Please let me know if it works.

    Best of luck!

    Thread Starter moneli1



    Thank you. Unfortunately, nothing has changed. If we give you a temporary connection, could you please check? Thank you.



    Plugin Contributor Tarek Aziz


    Hello Greta,

    Good morning from here 🙂

    Thanks for your response. I am sorry to hear that it didn’t work.

    It would be great if you could create a ticket on our support website.


    Our support team will definitely help you resolve the issue.

    Kind regards,


    Thread Starter moneli1


    Of course. Thank you!



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