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  • Plugin Author Michael Nelson


    Hi @mstudioil, are you wanting the printout to be all the posts in that particular category? If so, that’s not a feature Print My Blog currently features. You can reverse-engineer it (by using PMB’s Quick Print in the WP-admin, then select to print a particular category, copy the URL of the print page, and then manually edit your theme’s category template file to have a link to that print page as wlel) but that’s not something PMB currently automates.

    Does that make sense? Sorry I don’t have a good solution for you.

    Thread Starter mstudioIL


    Hey, thanks for answer.
    I want to print to page of the category like it work on other pages, just what what to user see on the screen

    Plugin Author Michael Nelson


    hi @mstudioil, thanks for the reference of what you’re wanting. I’m sorry I don’t have a solution to that. You could check out other WordPress plugin plugins, or hire a developer to add this functionality.

    I’m sorry this isn’t a free feature that PMB offers.

    Thread Starter mstudioIL


    OK, thanks for the help

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