• hello!

    Recently I’m facing a problem where when creating an attribute and several values ​​for it, if I save my product and then need to make some change to it again, the information filled in the attribute disappears from the product and we need to keep adding it every time a product is changed.

    example: I have the “Model” attribute created and within that attribute I created more than 20 variations.
    If I create a product, insert the “Model” attribute with the value “Model 18” and save the product, the inserted attribute remains as I left it.
    However, if I access this product again, and for example insert any other attribute, the information that was previously inserted in the “Model” attribute disappears, and I need to keep inserting it every time I need to make any changes to the product.

    This ends up becoming a very extensive job as we need to keep re-entering information that for some reason is not being saved.

    My question here is: could this be happening because of your module? We use it together with Woocomerce and we want to understand what is happening and whether this could be caused by your active module. Can you help us?

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  • Plugin Author storeapps



    Recently I’m facing a problem where when creating an attribute and several values ​​for it, if I save my product and then need to make some change to it again, the information filled in the attribute disappears from the product and we need to keep adding it every time a product is changed.

    Could you please clarify if the issue also occurs when editing products using the default WooCommerce method (i.e., WooCommerce > Products)? Ideally, the Smart Manager plugin should not interfere with this process. To confirm, please try to reproduce the issue with the Smart Manager plugin deactivated and let me know the results.

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