• Hi,

    I am having a problem with the posts appearing on the blog. I made six posts so far, but only 4 will appear. Even under categories, the category indicated that it has 4 posts, but only 2 appear when the category is clicked.

    Under Options > Reading > I have selected “Show at most 7 posts”.

    Any thoughts as to why this is happening?

    My (porn) blog is located at > http://jazzmanblog.com/adultnetwork/index.php

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  • Thread Starter jazzmansblog


    Just downloaded ver. 2.01 again, and uploaded to see if that was the problem. But did not fix the problem.

    Thread Starter jazzmansblog


    Could the downloaded files be corrupt? I just tried another fresh install on another domain and only 4 of the 6 posts I made showed up and sidebar on the default theme does not load.

    Anyone have any thoughts?

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