• christian1081



    since last Friday we are having trouble with payment type “Payone SEPA Abbuchung”.
    If this type is activated, then in checkout step-payment does not appear. Instead after clicking button “Weiter zu Schritt 2” (go to step 2) nothing happens.
    After deactivating this payment type, everything works fine again.

    The issue first appeared after we changed the sequence of the pament types.

    We are using
    WordPress 5.8.1
    WooCommerce 5.6.0
    Germanized für WooCommerce 3.6.0
    BS PAYONE WooCommerce 1.7.1

    Best regards
    Christian Bayer

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter christian1081


    Problem still exists.
    Could you please give me a feedback?!

    Best regards
    Christian Bayer

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