• Resolved arkadiuszpio



    I update the Spectra to version 2.0.4.
    After the update, I cannot edit the blocks:
    – container
    – button
    – heading

    In the editor, I have an error: This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed.” / “Nie można wyświetlić podglądu bloku z powodu wystąpienia błędu”.

    I also notice that the fix “Buttons – Text inside button not wrapping on small devices” does not work.

    Best regards,

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi Arek,

    It looks like you are having similar issues to those I posted about a few minutes before you. I managed to fix everything by following this advice:

    After updating, please be sure to regenerate the assets. We do this automatically after the plugin is updated, but just to be sure, go to “Spectra > Settings > Asset Generation > Regenerate Assets” and press the button.

    Also make sure you clear any caching on your site, locally in your browser, caching plugins and server side plugins installed in your hosting account.

    Hope this helps, Ian

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Ian.
    Thread Starter arkadiuszpio


    Hi Ian,

    Thank you for your advice. It solves the main issue with most blocks.

    I am still waiting for Spectra team to fix the wrapping of text inside the buttons.


    Plugin Support Rajkiran Bagal


    Hello @arkadiuszpio,

    Can you please share some references where we can see the issue you facing?

    We tried to replicate it on our end but the text wraps.

    Can you help us replicate the issue so we will be able to provide a solution to you?

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Thread Starter arkadiuszpio



    The issue is still with the buttons in call to actions blocks. The text is not wrapping.

    The regular buttons were fixed and they are now wrapping the text.

    Best regards

    Plugin Support Rajkiran Bagal


    Hey @arkadiuszpio,

    Thanks for reporting the issue with the Call to Action block text is not wrapping.

    We have fixed the issue & will be releasing an update for it soon.

    We appreciate your patience.

    Let me know if you need anything else, I will be happy to help.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Plugin Support BSF – Judith Pete


    Hello @arkadiuszpio,

    We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this as resolved – if you have any further questions, you can start a new thread.

    Thank you!

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