• Bonjour,

    Ma configuration WP actuelle :

    • – Version de WordPress : 6.5.3
    • – Version de PHP / MySQL : 8.0.30 / 10.6.18
    • – Thème utilisé : Divi (slug : Divi) pas de thème enfant
    • – Thème URI : http://www.elegantthemes.com/gallery/divi/
    • – Extensions activées : Acowebs Product Labels For Woocommerce (1.5.6), All-in-One WP Migration (7.81), Converter for Media (5.12.5), Duplicate Page (4.5.3), Easy Watermark (1.0.11), Email Encoder – Protect Email Addresses (2.2.1), Font Awesome (4.4.0), Infosite (6), Joinchat (5.1.5), Maintenance (4.08), Ninja Forms (3.8.3), Redirection (5.4.2), Secure Copy Content Protection (4.0.7), SendWP (1.4.6), Side Cart WooCommerce (2.4.9), Smash Balloon Instagram Feed (6.3.1), Supreme Modules Lite – Divi Theme, Extra Theme and Divi Builder (2.5.3), Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce (2.29), WooCommerce (8.9.0), YITH WooCommerce Product Add-ons & Extra Options (4.9.3)
    • – Extensions désactivées : a3 Lazy Load (2.7.2), Advanced Product Fields for WooCommerce (1.6.7), Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection (5.3.2), Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster (, Booking Calendar (10.0), Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce (2.0.2), Click to Chat (4.2), Codisto Channel Cloud (1.3.65), Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce (1.8.5), Duplicate Variations for WooCommerce (2.0.8), Facebook for WooCommerce (3.2.2), Free Shipping Amount Label & Progress Bar for WooCommerce (2.3.7), Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP) (7.26.0), Google Listings and Ads (2.7.0), Hello Dolly (1.7.2), Hustle (7.8.4), Jetpack (13.4.3), LightStart – Maintenance Mode, Coming Soon and Landing Page Builder (2.6.11), LiteSpeed Cache (, MailPoet (4.50.0), Menu Image (3.11), Otter – Page Builder Blocks & Extensions for Gutenberg (2.6.12), PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce (3.8.2), PPOM for WooCommerce (32.0.21), Product Input Fields for WooCommerce (1.8.2), Solid Security Basic (9.3.2), Sticky Menu (or Anything!) on Scroll (2.32), TablePress (2.3.1), TinyPNG – JPEG, PNG & WebP image compression (3.4.3), UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore (1.24.3), Widgets for Google Reviews (11.8.3), WooCommerce Amazon Pay (2.5.1), WooCommerce Custom Product Addons Free (3.0.8), WooCommerce Extra Product Options Pro (3.2.5), WooCommerce Price Per Unit (2.0.9), WooCommerce Shipping & Tax (2.5.7), WooCommerce Stripe Gateway (8.2.0), WooPayments (7.6.0), WP-Optimize – Clean, Compress, Cache (3.3.2), WP Super Cache (1.12.1), WP Table Builder (1.4.15), YITH WooCommerce Wishlist (3.34.0), Yoast SEO (22.7)
    • – Adresse du site : https://mesange-couture.com
    • – Hébergeur :o2switch

    Problème(s) rencontré(s) :

    je rencontre un probleme avec l’extension yith Product Add-ons & Extra Options . le panier se met a jour sur ordinateur mais pas sur mobile.

    j’ai desactivé tous les plug in 1 par 1

    voici une adresse de fiches produits : http://www.mesange-couture.com/produit/protege-carnet-sante-assia/


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Facundo Arano


    Hi there,

    I hope you’re doing well.

    I tried to check the product you mentioned, but it seems the site is in maintenance, could you check so we can see the issue?

    Thanks for your cooperation.

    Thread Starter mesange


    Bonjour @aranofacundo , merci pour ton retour.

    je laisse mon site ouvert car en mode maintenance c’est compliqué.

    le souci est donc le suivant , le tarif des options s’ajoutent bien sur ordinateur et mobile mais ne s’ffiche pas dans le panier en mode mobile.


    Plugin Support Vanesa


    Hi there,
    I hope you are well :).

    Unfotunately, as we can’t replicate the issue on our installations, we would need to check the cart so we can try to figure out what is happening in your installation.

    So, please, notify us when your site is no longer in maintenance.

    We remain at your disposal.

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