• cer0c


    Hi Yogesh,
    I like and have used “Easy Username Updater” on a number of occasions. However I’ve encountered the following problem:

    I use Ultimate Member to register and login on my website ceroc.nl
    To become a member (get an account), a new member uses the registration form. The membership/account request then gets given the (Ultimate Member) status “Pending Approval”.
    At this stage I (would like to) use Easy Username Change to change WordPress username to a new membership number, before approving the membership/account. Easy Username Change lets me do this.
    However when I then change the (Ultimate Member) status to “Approved” and inform the new member of his/her membership number (username), logging in with either the new username/membership number or e-mail results in an error message:

    “ACCOUNT PENDING: Your account is currently not active. An administrator needs to activate your account before you can login.”

    No matter what (Ultimate Member) status I give the account after that, the account stays un-accessible.

    I seems like I can only use “Easy Username Change” on accounts/memberships which are already approved, by which time the new account username has already been passed to the new user without me having had to chance to change it into a membership number instead.

    Can you help me please?

    Kind regards,


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