• Resolved rebajaslocascom



    After updating to the latest version, it now doesn’t allow me to select the variations that are out of stock.

    Can you help me fix this?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello,
    Please update the latest version /** – 2021.08.03**/
    Best regards

    Thread Starter rebajaslocascom



    I have updated to the latest version.

    Now, I can click on the variations that are out of stock.

    However, now those variations appear with an opacity that makes them appear transparent.

    Before updating, all variations looked the same all.


    It’s how most of our users want, that out-of-stock attributes must be blurred out so that their customers can easily see which attributes are in-stock and which are out-of-stock.

    Anyway, if you don’t want it, please add below css to additional css of theme:

    .vi-wpvs-variation-wrap.vi-wpvs-variation-wrap-select .vi-wpvs-option-wrap.vi-wpvs-option-wrap-out-of-stock .vi-wpvs-option, .vi-wpvs-variation-wrap.vi-wpvs-variation-wrap-select .vi-wpvs-option-wrap.vi-wpvs-option-wrap-out-of-stock-attribute .vi-wpvs-option, .vi-wpvs-variation-wrap:not(.vi-wpvs-variation-wrap-select) .vi-wpvs-option-wrap.vi-wpvs-option-wrap-out-of-stock-attribute>:not(.vi-wpvs-option-tooltip), .vi-wpvs-variation-wrap:not(.vi-wpvs-variation-wrap-select) .vi-wpvs-option-wrap.vi-wpvs-option-wrap-out-of-stock>:not(.vi-wpvs-option-tooltip) {
        opacity: 1 !important;

    Best regards

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