• Resolved giodes86



    I would have a problem with the synchronization of the products. They are all variable products, and many of them are set as “Sync and Hide” while I wish they were “Sync and show”.

    Is it possible to change them without selecting each variable manually?

    Also in the tab on the right: “Facebook Product Sync”, products with variables give errors.

    Look here:


    I checked if the attributes entered had any characters that were not allowed, but it all seems normal.

    How can I solve?

    Thank you

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by giodes86.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by giodes86.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by giodes86.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by giodes86.
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  • Hi @giodes86

    I understand that many of the products are set as “Sync and Hide”. In addition, products with variables are giving errors.

    The Facebook visibility setting will show “Sync and hide” when it is set to staging. To change the setting to “Sync and show” the product must be published.

    Will you please check if the products you are having issues with are published?

    Additionally,​ would you please be able to paste your system status here so we can get a better idea of what might be going on? You can grab it by going to:
    WooCommerce > Status and clicking on Get system report.

    Is it possible to change them without selecting each variable manually?

    If your plugin is updated to its latest version, please check if you are able to see the following option after navigating to Products > All Products and then clicking on the “Bulk Actions” dropdown. Below is a screenshot of the relevant options:

    Link to image: https://snipboard.io/FUpxDK.jpg

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